Real-World Examples of Computational Thinking
In today’s digital and data-driven world, computational thinking is increasingly emerging as a critical skill for industries from technology to manufacturing and beyond.
Computational thinking is...
Relatable Examples of Computational Thinking for Students
While there are many real-world examples of computational thinking in education and careers, the concept of computational thinking still remains intimidating or even elusive to many students. To...
Supporting Digital Literacy Skills Outside Computer Class
In our rapidly evolving digital landscaping, digital skills are no longer optional, but a necessity for students of all ages. The definition of digital literacy has evolved as...
How Schools Use Digital Literacy to Promote Digital Equity
Digital equity seeks to equip everyone with the technological capacity to participate in an increasingly digital world, whether as empowered employees, learners, community members or citizens.
While digital equity is often...
Digital Equity: What it is and Why it Matters
By reconsidering digital equity and how it relates to equity in education, teachers, administrators and leaders support integral efforts to prepare all students for the future. Equity typifies the aspiration of what it...
How to Support Keyboarding at Home
With the new school year starting, many parents wonder how to best support their children in their education. One important subject parents can support children in is keyboarding (check out our article on...