Why Should Teachers Integrate Technology in the Math Classroom?
The image below reflects a workflow that Keith Devlin, a retired mathematics professor from Stanford University – uses when he is working on solving a math problem. In his experience, many mathematicians have...
Online Holiday Safety Tips for Students
During the holiday season, you may find more opportunities to be online than during other times of the year. You may also take and share more photos with friends, make more online purchases,...
The Comprehensive List of Important Digital Skills for Students
The digital skills gap impacts Americans of all ages. If lacking basic digital skills, students will face challenges not only in school, but in the professional world as well. Students require digital skills...
Why is Computer Science Education Important?
Computer science education is important for preparing students for the future of work. By teaching students about computer science, schools work to fill an inadequate pipeline of computer science graduates and workers, enhance...
When Should Children Start Learning Keyboarding?
When parents or grandparents say that their children or grandchildren can use technology better than they can, they’re usually only half joking. After all, it seems children of nearly any age can quickly...
Online Safety for Students: Where to Begin
So, you’re in charge of putting together an online safety curriculum for students. If you’re overwhelmed, it’s no wonder why; online safety is a broad and important curriculum...