Algorithmic Thinking: A Critical Skill for Today’s Students
For many people, “algorithmic thinking” conjures visions of a Good Will Hunting whiteboard with extensive equations and symbols long forgotten in our educational memory. For others familiar with coding curriculum, it’s an important step in...
How Were the TEKS Created & What is Its Significance?
The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) framework details the educational standards in the state of Texas, providing a comprehensive outline of what students are expected to learn from kindergarten through 12th grade....
Students as Logical Thinkers: How Computer Science Teaches Real-World Skills
There is little debate that computer science education has become an imperative curriculum for future-ready students. From modern professions and innovations to home management and communication, the world is becoming increasingly technology-driven. Being...
The Digital Readiness Divide in Education
Following access and connectivity, the second digital divide refers to digital readiness, or the skillset that enables people to use technology as informed digital citizens, capable workers, and empowered learners.
Studies on the Digital Readiness...
Pursuing Digital Equity Through Access & Opportunity – All Means All
While devices such as laptops and tablets have become significantly more common in schools since 2020, challenges persist in access, especially due to connectivity issues at school and at home. Asd students have...
AI in Education: Leveraging Chat GPT in the Classroom
The introduction of ChatGPT into educational settings has sparked a vigorous debate regarding its ethical implications, primarily centered on concerns about plagiarism or using AI to “do the work” for students, leaving them...