Teaching Coding in Middle School
EasyCode Pillars is an interactive, web-based curriculum that helps students learn coding principles using Python, the industry-leading programming language. Discover how three Florida middle school teachers are using it to prepare students for Python Coding...
McDowell County Schools
McDowell County Schools is a small, rural district in an area of West Virginia that once thrived on coal mining. Today, through a statewide initiative,...
Dillon School District 4
This small, rural district in South Carolina was among the first to adopt Learning.com through the state's Palmetto Digital Literacy Program, and continues successfully using the program to ensure digital equity for its students.
Fontana Unified School District
Serving a fast-growing community 50 miles east of Los Angeles, Fontana USD began piloting EasyTech in 2017 and has expanded to other campuses.
...Tulsa Public Schools
Tulsa Public Schools was looking for a digital curriculum to provide online safety training for students, and found it in Learning.com's EasyTech.
...Madison County Schools
Madison County Schools utilized Learning.com and EasyTech in an effort to bridge the gaps in both digital skills and digital citizenship for their students.