Dear Education Community,
It has been a very difficult—and unprecedented—past couple of weeks for all of us in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak. Our hearts and thoughts are with all of you and your families, and the many who have been impacted by the current crisis, whether from a health perspective or from the economic fallout.
We also recognize that schools are being forced to implement new models of instruction – and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. As you navigate this situation, I want you to know that we are fully committed to providing the products and services you rely on without interruption.
As educators ourselves, we are concerned about the impact on student learning resulting from so many schools or school systems that will now be closed for extended periods of time. Supporting you through this process is our priority. In fact, we’re taking extra measures to ensure that increased or irregular activity on our digital platforms does not result in any disruptions in service.
To help you ensure continuity of instruction under the current and evolving conditions, we are compiling resources to support administrators, teachers, students and families in order to provide:
- Guidance for teachers on how to teach online, as some teachers are experiencing this for the first time; and
- Instruction and self-directed lessons for students, to ensure they have the digital skills to be successful in working online.
This is a starting point, and we are developing additional resources to be shared regularly here.
Please know that we at are here for you and remain committed to the safety and health of our employees, our customers, and the communities in which we live and work. I’ve encouraged our Customer Success Managers to make every possible accommodation in an effort to ease the burden of these uncertain times for you and your school communities. If you have any questions, concerns, requests, or ideas, please reach out to them directly.
Best regards, and please stay healthy,
Keith Oelrich, CEO
Keith Oelrich
Keith Oelrich joined as CEO in 2012. A pioneer in the K-12 online education market since 2000, Keith has served as CEO of several companies which have collectively provided K-12 online education programs to thousands of districts, tens of thousands of schools and millions of students and their families.
Further Reading
Teaching Students to Identify Cyberbullying: A Guide for K-12 Educators
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Teaching AI: Ethical Considerations for High School Students
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