Instructor-Led Training is a leader in delivering digital content to districts and schools.
Whether your instruction will be held in the classroom or online remotely, we would love to be your partners in training your teachers on curriculum and tools!
Your subscription may include instructor-led training. If you aren’t sure if yours does, ask your contact. offers a la carte professional development in hourly or daily options for onsite and web-delivered workshops from trainers that have first-hand experience in the education field.
Type of Instructor Led Training:
- Web Delivered (45-1 Hr.) live sessions (Max 2 hours)
- Onsite (3-hour blocks) AM/PM (Max hours 6)
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EasyTech (Gr. K-8)
EasyTech is an award winning comprehensive online digital literacy curriculum for grades K-8. The curriculum helps students develop and master technology and higher order thinking skills through direct instruction, interactive modules, practice and a variety of real-life application opportunities.
EasyTech can be used in a technology class, library media center, or directly integrated into core subjects.
Training Topics
New to EasyTech covers basics so that educators can confidently begin using EasyTech with their students immediately following the training. Educators start with a quick exploration of the student experience in EasyTech and then move to Teacher Center, learning how to manage their student and class settings in EasyTech, learning how to find and assign content, and learning how to begin tracking student progress by using the Gradebook.
Audience: Educators new to EasyTech who are familiar with and use Google Classroom
Provides educators with the knowledge to find and assign EasyTech content items from the Catalog and grade level pacing guides to a Google Classroom. Educators will explore the interactive EasyTech curriculum, gain hands-on experience, and be equipped to immediately incorporate EasyTech with Google Classroom. Educators will learn how to manage their classes as well as monitor student progress within the Google Classroom Gradebook.
Note: This session is only appropriate for districts who are using links to specific content from Google Catalog and the whole Google Classroom experience. For districts using an “SSO” approach with Google Classroom, they should be directed to the general EasyTech Getting Started training.
Audience: Experienced EasyTech educators and should be included as an annual refresher
Covers recent functionality updates to and introduces new content while providing a quick refresh of the basics. Educators will explore new functionality that will help them manage classes and grades. They will also experience new curriculum items that can be assigned to their students and understand how these should be assigned. Educators will also be made aware of how they can access real-time communication about rolling updates. Educators will be up to date on changes or additions and be prepared to utilize them after this initial workshop.
Covers how to find and assign fun keyboarding and word processing curriculum to classes. Throughout this interactive session, educators will explore EasyTech keyboarding content and understand the instructional sequence recommended to guide students from letter and key recognition in grades K-2 to Adaptive Keyboarding in grades 3-12.
A deep dive into Adaptive Keyboarding will allow educators to explore this fun, personalized program that provides students with comprehensive keyboarding instruction.
The session will take a look at word processing content to help bring real life application to those keyboarding skills. Educators will learn how to manage their classes as well as monitor their student progress in the Gradebook and Adaptive Keyboarding Dashboard. Educators will be prepared to immediately integrate EasyTech keyboarding and word processing curriculum into their daily routine.
Audience: Educators who have already completed EasyTech Getting Started or EasyTech Refresher training
Dives deeply into all of the different types of content items that offers in EasyTech, as well as the ideal application for each. Educators will come away from this session with a deeper understanding of how the different content items within EasyTech can be used together to create a robust digital literacy curriculum for their students.
Audience: Educators who have already completed EasyTech Getting Started training, or for school/district administrators looking to gain a deeper understanding of how to facilitate in their school or district
Specifically designed to allow for our school and district partners to work with us in building a truly customized agenda that meets the needs of their educators as they implement with fidelity. Administrators can provide us with specific topics of need, ask us to share best practices in implementing EasyTech, or provide an open forum for educators to ask questions and collaborate with one another, just to name a few options
Audience: Educators who have already completed EasyTech Getting Started or EasyTech Refresher training
Covers EasyTech Skills Checks, an auto-scored assessment tool for grades 3-8 that includes a pre-test to provide educators with a benchmark understanding of what students know prior to starting a unit of instruction; and a post-test to show growth. In this session, educators will learn how to easily administer Skills Check assessments, navigate through the assessment dashboard, gain an understanding of the student experience, and how to analyze the results to identify student digital skill gaps.
Note: This topic is recommended for schools and districts looking to show growth in digital skills.
Audience: Educators who have already completed EasyTech Getting Started or EasyTech Refresher training educators will learn how to use management tools to monitor student progress. Educators will explore the Gradebook where they can view and manage student scores. They will also take a deep dive into specific program dashboards for Adaptive Keyboarding, Skills Checks, Application Exercises, EasyCode, and Common Sense Education. These dashboards allow educators to view student progress at a glance as well as run reports. After this workshop, educators will be ready to confidently use the valuable information provided by various data resources to enhance curriculum, support differentiated instruction and personalize practice.
Note: This topic is recommended as a follow-up session after students have begun using EasyTech, so that educators may reference their students’ data during the training for increased relevance.
Audience: Educators who have already completed EasyTech Getting Started or EasyTech Refresher training
Covers the different ways of utilizing EasyTech curriculum in all learning environments, including asynchronous, synchronous and blended. Educators will learn how to leverage EasyTech curriculum to teach students the necessary digital skills needed to excel in a digital world. Strategies and real-life applications will be explored that provide flexibility and consistency in order to optimize the student experience, no matter what learning environment
Partnered with Leading Coding Providers
We’ve teamed up with CodeMonkey and Codesters to deliver their expert-developed curriculum backed by the power and interoperability of the platform.
With practice in text-based programming languages, students build career-ready coding skills and become digital makers, problem solvers, and agents of their learning.
Teachers and students are introduced to fun introductory coding lessons.
Audience: Educators who have already completed EasyTech Getting Started training
EasyCode Foundations introduces students (Grs.K-8) to coding through a game-based environment where students learn to code by solving coding challenges. Once their coding skills are mastered, students apply them to build their own apps and games. With the help of detailed lesson plans and interactive resources, any teacher can confidently help their students learn the basics of coding, even if they have no prior experience with this subject.
Audience: Educators who have already completed EasyTech Getting Started training
Covers the student-user interface, teacher experience including assigning content and locating lesson plans, and discusses the teacher dashboard. Educators will be able to confidently support students as they learn Python coding principles to code text-based solutions in real-world interactive projects and will learn the basic knowledge needed to successfully introduce the 5 introductory Python coding lessons included in the EasyTech Library.
Professional Development is also available for educators that have purchased full subscription to a coding program.
Ask your contact for additional information!
Your school and/or district’s success in implementation is a top priority for us. We want you to get the greatest benefit possible from the investment you’ve made in our curriculum and tools. Whether your staff is made up of emerging technology users or technology integration experts, we will do everything we can to meet your needs for maximum impact on student growth.